About Baringo-South Constituency
Baringo south National Government Constituency Development Fund was established in the year 2013 under the CDF Act 2003 and NG-CDF Act 2015 (Amended 2016) after the separation of the lager Baringo Central constituency development fund. The constituency operates under the Guidelines and management National Government constituencies Development Fund (NG-CDF) to implement their objective to address poverty alleviation. The National Government Constituency Development Fund is managed by National Government Constituency Development Fund Committee (NG-CDFC) which identifies the projects at sub locational and locational level through community initiative after which the community initiates a project and elects among itself a project management committee (PMC). Section 35(1)(2) stipulate that projects initiated by a community shall be eligible for support under this Act provided that such projects shall be submitted with the other projects. The projects has been successful .
The constituency is represented by Hon.Joashua Kamuren